


systemctl stop firewalld.service --关闭防火墙
systemctl disable firewalld.service -- 禁止防火墙开机启动
systemctl status firewalld.service  -- 查看防火墙状态



vi /etc/selinux/config -- 编辑文件
SELINUX=disabled  --修改




cat /etc/hosts node12c01 node12c02

Oracle12C–DG Far Sync 部署(前提为搭建好12C的DG)


01, 使用LGWR 进程的SYNC 方式

1)Primary Database 产生的Redo 日志要同时写到日志文件和网络。也就是说LGWR进程把日志写到本地日志文件的同时还要发送给本地的LNSn进程(Network Server Process),再由LNSn(LGWR Network Server process)进程把日志通过网络发送给远程的目的地,每个远程目的地对应一个LNS进程,多个LNS进程能够并行工作。

2)LGWR 必须等待写入本地日志文件操作和通过LNSn进程的网络传送都成功,Primary Database 上的事务才能提交,这也是SYNC的含义所在。

3)Standby Database的RFS进程把接收到的日志写入到Standby Redo Log日志中。

4)Primary Database的日志切换也会触发Standby Database 上的日志切换,即Standby Database 对Standby Redo Log的归档,然后触发Standby Database 的MRP或者LSP 进程恢复归档日志。

Hey ChatGPT, can you write iRules?

iRules allow you to parse the payload of the data passing through the BIG-IP and, at wire speed, execute an entire script of commands on that traffic.
They allow you to log and redirecting traffic, modify the URI or port or to rewrite the payload itself.
iRules and their almost endless capabilities to customize the behavior of F5 Networks’ BIG-IP are one the unique selling point of BIG-IP.
Many users of devcentral ask for help with their iRules, consultants who can write or troubleshoot iRules are sought after by many of F5s’ customers.
I was wondering how well the new cool kid in town, ChatGPT, performs at writing iRules and how many of the most seen iRules questions on devcentral it can actually answer.
Find the most requested iRules
I tried to figure out what challenges devcentral users most often look for help with and came up with a list of usual iRule code questions.

Accessing TCP Options from iRules

I’ve written several articles on the TCP profile and enjoy digging into TCP. It’s a beast, and I am constantly re-learning the inner workings. Still etched in my visual memory map, however, is the TCP header format, shown in Figure 1 below.

Since 9.0 was released, TCP payload data (that which comes after the header) has been consumable in iRules via the TCP::payload and the port information has been available in the contextual commands TCP::local_port/TCP::remote_port and of course TCP::client_port/TCP::server_port. Options, however, have been inaccessible. But beginning with version 10.2.0-HF2, it is now possible to retrieve data from the options fields.